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About us

At First Baptist Church La Porte, you will see people who are older and younger; wearing jeans, suits, Bermuda shorts, tee-shirts, and button-downs. People will greet you and say “Hi,” because we are sincerely happy you have chosen to worship with us. You will see that we laugh together, cry together, play together, and pray together - we grow together.


We are about sharing Christ and meeting needs! That’s why you will be received just as you are. Jesus meets us where we are, but he doesn't leave us in our situation. He calls us and leads us to new life in Him. So we grow together as a family in Christ,


We all have preferences, likes and dislikes, but Christ alone is our truth. He shows us the difference between preference and truth. We are not committed to performance-based Christianity; instead, we long for authentic relationship with God and with each other. We can know the love of God because Jesus Christ conquered death. He is alive and with us in each moment rescuing and restoring all who simply trust Him.


We are a family who have been rescued, so we still have scars, bumps, and bruises. We are being healed; and, God works through us to heal each other. Our earnest prayer is that you will see and feel God’s love when you meet with us. We welcome everyone and share the truth of God’s love with all!

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

Dr. Windell Gill

Senior Pastor

Hailey Dobbins

Worship Minister &

Children's Church Leader

Maurice "Mo" Villarreal

Youth Pastor

"Coach" Wayne Teutsch

Senior Adult Minister

Kanyon & Bronwyn Dobbins

College/Young Adult Ministers

Ministry Support Team

Sandra Fuller

Loretta Bonds

Bronwyn Dobbins

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